Real World at War

Full Version: Server Changelog - v10.7
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Patch 9
Implemented on: June 13th, 2020 @ 10:00 PM (BST/ GMT + 1)

Class updates
- Pyromans are completely fireproof. (Under discussion within admins and contributors)
- Demomans take half of the explosive damage. (Under discussion within admins and contributors)
- Assaults now get a permanent unbreakable helmet. (Under discussion within admins and contributors)

Daily Challenges
- Added new daily challenges:
> Kill players while on jetpacks.
> Spend X hours in a single session.
- Made some daily challanges easier.

- Fixed an issue regarding spawn protection checks in the commands.
- Updated /dcmds and /cmds.
- Removed some unused admin cmds and added new ones.
- Fixed more typos.
- Updated /bz and /bp. (Suggested by Matty)
- Added a new textdraw that shows up instead of rank bar for unregistered players. (Suggested by Matty)
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