Implemented on: July 29th, 2020 @ 12:00 PM (BST/ GMT + 1)
Capture Zones:
- Capture zone labels now update as the capture rate progresses.
- Added Capturing Spree system with saving in Top.
- Updated /top with completely new code and functionality.
- Added a new textdraw that shows up when a zone is captured (Thanks to Proxus/ Polyheximal on GitHub)
- Fixed the bug regarding Arms Dealer.
- Fixed the haystack and needle parameters in /zones (team name).
- Changed RWW Heights name to LG Heights just like the old days.
- Added new maps for Country Dam (Exterior and Interior).
- There's a new lift to call somewhere at Country Dam (find it out yourselves!)
- The Swap teleport location has been moved!
- Modified Naval Base's specialty of Swap teleporter to Country Dam.
- Naval Base has a completely new feature: Precision Strikes.
Precision Strikes:
- Added completely new air strike system inspired from real Call of Duty games.
- The cost of this new feature is $30,000 since it's a lot more powerful than ordinary airstrike.
- You can utilize this by using /prestrike and then marking the area on your map by setting a target.
- Doing this will launch an air striked at the marked position and an Andromada will fly by dropping the bombs.
- However, this can not be ordered on team bases because these bases are protected with anti missile cannons.
- The marked area will have a flashing circle and you must leave the circle area to protect yourself.
- The bomb will drop killing the players in the area and giving you the rewards for each kill recorded.
- Added /pshelp for information about it in game.
- The amount of strikes called in will be saved and also is featured in top rank.
- Mappings have got a huge revamp and most of them have been remade from scratch!
- All team bases have been remade (Thanks to matty, Ryz, and others who helped!)
- Laboratory has been updated to a newer style.
- Desert Airport has advanced into a more military styled zone.
- Area 51 has been updated with lesser vehicles and reorganized objects for lesser lag.
- Removed Town of Heroes.
- The nuke object now launches from the Nuke chamber.
- People in the chamber during launch will be roasted alive due to the heat.
- Nuke alarm now rings on the base for longer now.
- Nuke alarm now also rings on the Area 51 itself.
Daily Challenges:
- Decreased the difficulty of all challenges by a small margin.
- Introduced a new daily challenge: Driveby kills.
- Updated /clans.
- Updated clan information dialog to show more information such as Clan K/D ratio and points.
- Added an option to see your clan wars in the /clan menu.
- Toxics, Nukes, Airstrikes, Precision Strikes, Bonus Captures, Captures now provide clan rewards.
- Made clan messages more explicit.
- New clan color chat.
Happy Hour:
- You can add/ remove the happy hour role by reacting to the Ped message in #spawn-point.
- You can type /happyhour to see if the happy hour is enabled or not, along with minutes.
- Rejoining the Discord will now set your in-game on the guild. This was a developmental oversight.
- !stats now shows the player's online and offline status in the embed's footer.
Bonus Zones:
- No longer selected when players online are less than 5.
- Updated the messages to show the captured team's color. (suggested by Major)
- Jet Troopers now have a permanent anti headshot helmet. (Suggesed by Matty)
- Jet Troopers can no longer have Snipers.
- Class Restricted weapons are no longer given from Arms Deal and Prestige.
- Assaults now get +1 score on assissting kills.
- Demomen can no longer use their C4 and mine features until spawn protection is ended.
- Chainsaw has been nerfed 20% due to the extensive hitbox of lagging players.
- Pump Shotgun has been nerfed to 4.0 dmg per bullet from 5.0 dmg.
- Fixed bugs regarding assists.
- All kills now include in session and spree kills, and not just weapon kills.
- Vehicles have got two new colors variants, three in total.
- You can no longer send duel invites while in DM arena.
- Fixed a bug regarding quit to avoid death in DMs.
- Fixed a bug regards to Death Sprees in DM arenas.
- Fixed some typos.
Implemented on: July 29th, 2020 @ 12:00 PM (BST/ GMT + 1)
Capture Zones:
- Capture zone labels now update as the capture rate progresses.
- Added Capturing Spree system with saving in Top.
- Updated /top with completely new code and functionality.
- Added a new textdraw that shows up when a zone is captured (Thanks to Proxus/ Polyheximal on GitHub)
- Fixed the bug regarding Arms Dealer.
- Fixed the haystack and needle parameters in /zones (team name).
- Changed RWW Heights name to LG Heights just like the old days.
- Added new maps for Country Dam (Exterior and Interior).
- There's a new lift to call somewhere at Country Dam (find it out yourselves!)
- The Swap teleport location has been moved!
- Modified Naval Base's specialty of Swap teleporter to Country Dam.
- Naval Base has a completely new feature: Precision Strikes.
Precision Strikes:
- Added completely new air strike system inspired from real Call of Duty games.
- The cost of this new feature is $30,000 since it's a lot more powerful than ordinary airstrike.
- You can utilize this by using /prestrike and then marking the area on your map by setting a target.
- Doing this will launch an air striked at the marked position and an Andromada will fly by dropping the bombs.
- However, this can not be ordered on team bases because these bases are protected with anti missile cannons.
- The marked area will have a flashing circle and you must leave the circle area to protect yourself.
- The bomb will drop killing the players in the area and giving you the rewards for each kill recorded.
- Added /pshelp for information about it in game.
- The amount of strikes called in will be saved and also is featured in top rank.
- Mappings have got a huge revamp and most of them have been remade from scratch!
- All team bases have been remade (Thanks to matty, Ryz, and others who helped!)
- Laboratory has been updated to a newer style.
- Desert Airport has advanced into a more military styled zone.
- Area 51 has been updated with lesser vehicles and reorganized objects for lesser lag.
- Removed Town of Heroes.
- The nuke object now launches from the Nuke chamber.
- People in the chamber during launch will be roasted alive due to the heat.
- Nuke alarm now rings on the base for longer now.
- Nuke alarm now also rings on the Area 51 itself.
Daily Challenges:
- Decreased the difficulty of all challenges by a small margin.
- Introduced a new daily challenge: Driveby kills.
- Updated /clans.
- Updated clan information dialog to show more information such as Clan K/D ratio and points.
- Added an option to see your clan wars in the /clan menu.
- Toxics, Nukes, Airstrikes, Precision Strikes, Bonus Captures, Captures now provide clan rewards.
- Made clan messages more explicit.
- New clan color chat.
Happy Hour:
- You can add/ remove the happy hour role by reacting to the Ped message in #spawn-point.
- You can type /happyhour to see if the happy hour is enabled or not, along with minutes.
- Rejoining the Discord will now set your in-game on the guild. This was a developmental oversight.
- !stats now shows the player's online and offline status in the embed's footer.
Bonus Zones:
- No longer selected when players online are less than 5.
- Updated the messages to show the captured team's color. (suggested by Major)
- Jet Troopers now have a permanent anti headshot helmet. (Suggesed by Matty)
- Jet Troopers can no longer have Snipers.
- Class Restricted weapons are no longer given from Arms Deal and Prestige.
- Assaults now get +1 score on assissting kills.
- Demomen can no longer use their C4 and mine features until spawn protection is ended.
- Chainsaw has been nerfed 20% due to the extensive hitbox of lagging players.
- Pump Shotgun has been nerfed to 4.0 dmg per bullet from 5.0 dmg.
- Fixed bugs regarding assists.
- All kills now include in session and spree kills, and not just weapon kills.
- Vehicles have got two new colors variants, three in total.
- You can no longer send duel invites while in DM arena.
- Fixed a bug regarding quit to avoid death in DMs.
- Fixed a bug regards to Death Sprees in DM arenas.
- Fixed some typos.
I was in the search of love, but who would I find in an empty street?
![[Image: talha21.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/694666289888624690/726848961440251924/talha21.png)