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July 2020 - Staff Update

New month, new changes.  This month things are slowly getting back on track for re-opening from Coronavirus, while others go back to lockdown.  Things keep spinning around and every day feels the same, except for the staff members and players who will now experience new batch of activity and staff members in game!  This month had a lot of the old staff members come back to the team, so welcome them with a lots of virtual kisses and hugs and if you know them you shouldn't be doing so because of social distancing! ("how dare you..." - Greta Thunberg is angry!!!!)  However, the changes are as following:

Promoted to Game Admins
Neo - Harry - Ryzz

Promoted to Senior Admins
Denchokan - Six

Promoted to Server Managers
Lucifer (aka CO2)

Congratulations everyone!

On another side, one of our fellow long term administrators Gomez has been relieved from the admin team because of his in real life priorities.  We wish him all the best of luck, and he'll be re-instated at his old position upon his arrival again if he ever wishes to do so.  Good luck in your endeavours and have fun, because that's what truly is the most important in life!
I was in the search of love, but who would I find in an empty street?
[Image: talha21.png]
Congrats everyone, keep up the good work <3
[Image: iu0oDL2.gif]
Congraaaaaaaaaaaaaats <3 <3
[Image: uaqrMcf.gif]
Thumbs Up 
Congratulation guys, we hope you enjoy your new ranks and i wish the best in our staff team!
[Image: kS8E9uc.jpg]
Congratulations guys, Keep the good Work up.
Congrats !!!!
There is no pressure when you are making your dream come true
Congratulions!!!Keep it up Big Grin
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