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Server Changelog - v8.7.x
Changelog - v8.7.27
Implemented on: March 24th, 2020 @ 01:10 AM (BST/ GMT)

Spawn Protection
- You can now alternatively end your spawn protection by pressing the FIRE/ LMB key.

Anti Cheat
- Lots of minor bans by anti cheat are now fixed.

- The statistics screen is now re-designed to be cleaner.
- Many commands related to any kind of stats are now part of single /stats.
- You can now check others name history as well, previously it was limited to yourself only.

Accounts: Security Questions
- Removed those. Please link your game account to your Discord account to reset your password.

- Lots of internal reworking in the clan system to prepare for the upcoming clan overhaul and revamp. Please report if there any new bugs with it.
- Fixed a bug with name changes kicking players out of clan and other related issues.

- Going into DM or leaving DMs now won't count towards death spree... Sorry, but it's fixed now.
- Sniper DM has received a new skin.

Bonus Player
- Minor improvements to how the bonus player system now selects players.

User Interface
- A minor change to the UI! Introducing date textdraw just like RWW.

Class: Support
- Added a last damage tick which prevents users from using /sheal and /sarmour within 30 seconds of damage of their enemy.

Anti Cbug
- Added Sniper to it.
I was in the search of love, but who would I find in an empty street?
[Image: talha21.png]
Changelog - v8.7.28
Implemented on: March 31th, 2020 @ 11:44 PM (BST/ GMT)

- Scouts now receive a free SAM Base on spawn.
- Medic: To use /healme and /healteam you need to have Hospital captured.
- Pyroman: Added /pyrokit to support near-by team mates with Molly kit.

- Admin heals and armour now don't effect duel players.

Anti Cheat
- Fixed a bug which kicked players while aiming with RPG.
- Players can now cbug in sniper mission (this was an unexpected error which is now fixed).
- Added alert and fine for quit to avoid death.

Weapon Functionalities
- Colt-45 dmg: 15.0 (from 13.0) HP per bullet.
- Pump Shotgun dmg: 4.6 (from 3.3) HP per bullet.
- Deagle dmg: 55.0 (from 49.5) HP per bullet.
- MP5 dmg: 11.13 (from 8.25) HP per bullet.
- AK dmg: 7.92 (from 9.9) HP per bullet.
- County Rifle now supports headshots.
- Tear gases now effect everyone who doesn't have a gas mask.

- Fixed a bug with !resetpass.
- Improved some Discord related messages in the server.

- Increased the max clan members amount to 75.
- Players now kicked out from clan while offline now get an alert.
- Top 5 clans are now sent in the Discord every 24 hours.

- Fixed donors not being able to spawn boat in water.
- Added a damage countdown to most of the donor commands. You can no longer spawn vehicles or restore health/armour during a fight.
- Changed /darm to /dar.

Bonus Player
- Decreased bonus player score reward.
- Minor fix to bonus player code which selected the same old player again and again.

- Hospital now gives health every 15 seconds.
- Increased the nuke creation time to 200 seconds from 180 seconds.
- Changed the area 51 spawn point.
- Alarm sound plays until the toxic hits the base.

Heavy Vehicles
- Hydra and Hunter now unlock at 45 players.

- Added a couple of new maps including Arabia and Australia base and Snakes Farm base. Shoutout to Matty, Rboy and Assassin for their awesome contribution.
I was in the search of love, but who would I find in an empty street?
[Image: talha21.png]
Changelog - v8.7.29
Implemented on: April 9th, 2020 @ 4:20 AM (BST/ GMT + 1)

- Improved the anti cheat.

- Add the new USA base. Thanks to matty for the mapping.

- Added option to toggle donor boosts.
- This change has reverted everyone's settings.

Damage system
- Fixed the issue where shooting team mate didn't show the warning.
- Fixed stealth knife kill issue.

- All textdraws have received new colors now.

- Ped has received a lot of new messages.

- Added a new shop at Abandoned Gas Station.

- Can now only /dboost every 90 seconds (previously 60 seconds).
I was in the search of love, but who would I find in an empty street?
[Image: talha21.png]

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